Friday, April 17, 2020

Kellogs Case free essay sample

Using two motivation theories of your choice, explain a) the similarities and the b) differences between the two theories. Among the various motivation theories, I chose Herzberg’s theory of motivation and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. a) Similarities Herzberg is the person responsible for the birth of the two-dimensional paradigm of factors affecting people’s attitudes about work. This is sometimes called the two-factor theory. The factors involved are: hygiene factors and motivators. The presence of hygiene factors or dissatisfiers relate to the situation in which the person does what he or she does while motivators or the satisfiers relates to what a person does. Maslow introduced his hierarchy of needs which is about how people satisfy various personal needs in the context of their work. He also theorized that a person could not recognize or pursue the next higher need in the hierarchy until his or her currently recognized need was substantially or completely satisfied. We will write a custom essay sample on Kellogs Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The two aforementioned theories are similar in the context of recognizing that there are several factors/needs that affect a person’s attitude towards work. Particularly in Herzberg’s theory, factors may satisfy or dissatisfy a workers performance in the company; it can make them or break them. While Maslow’s hierarchy of needs stated that there are needs which one by one should be satisfied, so as to improve his capabilities as a person or as a worker in a company. These stages should be slowly and completely satisfied before going up on the pyramid of needs. So in onclusion, these two theories common denominator is the satisfaction of one’s needs for them to function more positively. In addition to their similarities, Herzberg’s hygiene factors and motivators are the same as the physiological needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. b) Differences Herzberg’s theory of motivation involves the hygiene factors and motivators. These factors are different in a way that hygiene factors are called dissatisfiers while motivators are the satisfiers. Such factors like the company policy, interpersonal relations, supervision, working conditions and salary are hygiene factors. The absence of hygiene factors can create job dissatisfaction, but their presence does not motivate or create satisfaction. Motivators on the other hand, are the factors that enriched a person’s job. There are five determinants of motivators; achievement, recognition, works itself, responsibility and advancement. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is named as follows, beginning from the bottom on the pyramid to the top; physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. As individuals satisfy one level of need, their motivation change as they aspire to reach the higher order needs. Physiological needs are thirst, hunger and sex. Safety needs are security, stability and protection. Social needs are the escape to loneliness, love and belongingness, to love and be loved. Esteem needs are self-respect, the respect to others. Self-actualization is to fulfill one’s potentialities. Basically, the two theories differ in the aspect of the recognition of the different factors or needs that a person/leader must take into consideration. Another thing is Herzberg’s theory is all about the factors which affect a person’s attitude about work while Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is all about the various personal needs in the context of their work. 2. Describe the benefits to an organization of having a motivated workforce. When an organization has a motivated workforce, the benefits are mutually gained. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone, it may sound redundant but yes, it’s true. You gain money and at the same time you gain your workers trust and camaraderie. For example, in our store, whenever there are high rate of sales, we give incentives. If there are times when we see that our workers have a hard time working, like stocks have arrived, we give extra snacks. We treat our workers not just workers in our store but also as a member of our family, but there are limitations and we draw the line between leader and worker so as to avoid abusive behaviors. During holiday seasons or birthdays, we invite them to join us in our trip. We saw this as a chance for us to get to know our workers better outside our store, how they are as an individual. We also go a little further in knowing what motivates them, what they want, and how to satisfy their needs, because knowing what motivates our workers makes our relationship in the store, easy and effective. 3. Analyze the difference between hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factors are called as the dissatisfiers; they are the job factors which are essential for motivation in a workplace. The presence of these factors does not lead to positive satisfaction for long term. But if these factors are absent or if these factors are non-existent at workplace, then they lead to dissatisfaction. In other words, hygiene factors are those factors which when adequate or reasonable in a job, pacify the employees and do not make them dissatisfied. These factors are extrinsic to work. Hygiene factors are also called as maintenance factors  as they are required to avoid dissatisfaction. These factors describe the job environment or scenario. The hygiene factors symbolize the physiological needs which the individuals wanted and expected to be fulfilled. Hygiene factors include: ? Pay- The pay or salary structure should be appropriate and reasonable. It must be equal and competitive to those in the same industry in the same domain. Company Policies and administrative policies- The company policies should not be too rigid. They should be fair and clear. It should include flexible working hours, dress code, breaks, vacation, etc. ? Fringe benefits- The employees should be offered health care plans, benefits for the family members and employee help programmes. ? Physical Working conditions- The working conditions should be safe, clean and hygienic. The work equipments should be updated and well-maintained. ? Status- The employees’ status within the organization should be familiar and retained. Interpersonal relations-The relationship of the employees with his peers, superiors and subordinates should be appropriate and acceptable. There should be no conflict or humiliation element present. ? Job Security- The organization must provide job security to the employees. Motivators on the other hand are factors which are inherent to work. These factors motivate the employees for a superior performance. These factors are called satisfiers. These are factors involved in performing the job. Employees find these factors intrinsically rewarding. The motivators symbolized the psychological needs that were perceived as an additional benefit. Motivational factors include: ? Recognition- The employees should be praised and recognized for their accomplishments by the managers. ? Sense of achievement- The employees must have a sense of achievement. This depends on the job. There must be a fruit of some sort in the job. ? Growth and promotional opportunities- There must be growth and advancement opportunities in an organization to motivate the employees to perform well. ? Responsibility- The employees must hold themselves responsible for the work. The managers should give them ownership of the work. They should minimize control but retain accountability. 4. Evaluate the benefits to organizations of using different motivation approaches. If an organization uses different kinds of motivation approaches, they are more likely to achieve a better workplace with workers who are well motivated. Why is this so? because the different theories of motivation suggests a lot of tips and challenges for the company to apply for them to achieve a better and happier people in the working department. Another is that the company leaders will be able to satisfy every members needs leading to satisfaction and motivation, as well as avoiding the dissatisfiers that might result to drawbacks. Motivating the members of your company makes them more committed and they will trust you because they will feel that they are important to the company they are working into. Applying various types of motivation theories also makes the working environment more exciting and interesting, so your workers are more enthusiastic in coming to work every day and ultimately making productive, profitable and competitive business. This way, you are not just gaining money but you are also able to help others improve themselves as a worker and as efficient and effective members of the society.

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