Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Antimicrobial Bacteria Case Study - 853 Words

The high level of resistance to antimicrobial drugs among bacteria colonizing commercial livestock has raised concerns about the significance to human health of such resistance. The transmissibility of resistant organisms from animal to human hosts has been fundamental to this concern. Kathy Parsonnet and Edward Kass, conducted a study on women who compared Escherichia coli (E. coli) and the rate of contracting the disease. Parsonnet and Kass studied about seven hundred and fifty women from a meat production facility. The average number of antibiotic infused meat handled per shift by each worker was one thousand. In addition to repeated contact by the handling of the meat carcasses, the hands and arms of the women came into frequent†¦show more content†¦According to Parsonnet and Kass, â€Å"about 60 percent of all human diseases and 75 percent of all emerging infectious diseases are caused by animals.† For example, both the H1N1 swine flu and H5N1 avian flu pandemics of 2009 originated from slaughterhouse workers contracting the disease from infected farm animals. (Parsonnet Kass, 1987). Maya Nadimpalli et. al., professors at North Carolina University, recently associated links between livestock raised on antibiotics and the bacteria MRSA. The study, conducted in 2012, focused on one hundred and fifty workers employed at factory farms that used antibiotics and one hundred and fifty workers at factory farms who did not use antibiotics. Nadimpalli et. al. found that the factory farms who used antibiotics, â€Å"had 45% higher rates with MDRSA found in their airways† than the workers at antibiotic-free farms. For this study, Nadimpalli et. al. swabbed the nasal cavities of the three hundred workers and cultured the staph bacteria. As a whole, the two group of workers related similarly in the rates of non-resistant staph, at about â€Å"22 percent, 33/150 workers† but colonies of MRSA, resistant to several different drugs typically used as treatment, were present in â€Å"80 percent of workers at industrial farms, with 120 workers infected, compared to 19 percent of workers, 28 workers at farms that didn’t useShow MoreRelatedAntimicrobial Resistance And Its Effects On Humans And Animals1471 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Antimicrobial agents have been used for the past seventy years to treat infectious diseases in humans and animals. 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